self-portraiture: a body-image project


It’s not always easy to love the person in the mirror.  Which is why, in the summer of 2015, I made myself a simple promise:  every day for forty days, I would take *one* photograph of my body that I could honestly see as beautiful.  

That commitment?  Became one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done.

You’re reading this because I’ve decided I’m brave enough to share it with you …

An Introduction

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Day Nine

Day Ten

Day Eleven

Day Twelve

Day Thirteen

Day Fourteen

Day Fifteen

Day Sixteen

Day Seventeen

Day Eighteen

Day Nineteen

Day Twenty

Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Five

Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Seven

Day Twenty-Eight

Day Twenty-Nine

Day Thirty

Day Thirty-One

Day Thirty-Two

Day Thirty-Three

Day Thirty-Four

Day Thirty-Five

Day Thirty-Six

Day Thirty-Seven

Day Thirty-Eight

Day Thirty-Nine

Day Forty

Last Look


  1. Haha I love this! It’s a great idea, we should all love and feel comfortable in our own body. I have this book, that tells you one thing a day to make you feel great. In the same spirit 🙂 It’s in French but I would recommend you to have your own that you can put on your bed table to remember to feel great about yourself !

    Liked by 1 person

          1. I think I approached your blog from a different angle before. I was reading (or looking) with a different intent. I came at you from a different angle today (your comment on another blog) and so felt more … open within myself to approaching you. Glad I did now. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Right? 🙂

                Honestly, I’m constantly surprised by what people are affected by and what they’re not. So I don’t pay too much attention. I just try to keep doing what I love, dropping in here and sharing occasionally, and being true to my own aesthetic. I post less than I used to (not just less often, but less of my work), and that feels right to me in this season. I won’t ever be the type of person who works the stats and plays to them, but I do at least appreciate the fact that there are a small handful of people who feel encouraged by this space. That’s all I really need. 🙂

                How long have you been blogging?

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Sounds like you have a very wise approach to blogs (and it’s probably a good approach to life in general too). I’ve had this blog for a couple of years now, but I’ve only started to get serious (posting every day) in the last couple of months. I don’t know what I enjoy the most – posting my stuff, or chatting to the amazing variety of interesting people who visit my blog. Some are just there trying to promote their own blog, but that leaves many (like you) who are genuine people with a love for what they are doing.
                How about you? Been blogging long? 🙂
                Oh, and yeah – people are strange – for sure. 😀

                Liked by 1 person

              3. I love all that. 🙂

                I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half now — feels like an eternity since then!! It’s a nice creative and head-clearing outlet for me, since I’m quite the sparkly social butterfly in “real” life. I appreciate having carved out the opportunity to be quiet, reflective and meditative here, and I appreciate encounters with others who are similarly minded… Like you, perhaps. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              4. I am feeling quietly meditative right now actually as I stand by the open back door listening to the pigeons cooing and the birds singing. It’s just after dinner and the comfortable weight of food sits nicely in my tummy. I feel languid and yet simultaneously vibrant. The cool breeze makes me think of my grandmother, through some strange maze of connections and a peaceful love of myself settles in for the night. I can be a social butterfly when I want to be, but find myself less inclined to be so. It’s just a change so that I can remain as I am, and the world swirls calmly on.
                How do you feel right now? 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

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