1. Thank you. It is so easy to forget how wonderful the silence really is when we become addicted to the stimulation throbbing world we live in. I was thinking about this today. Thank you for saying it so eloquently!

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  2. Quite lovely a place to go and just be. I remember many little rivers like that in Alabama. We would go with a couple of friends and have a peaceful picnic. Mindful of snakes which are a-plenty o’er there yonder… πŸ˜‰

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        1. Yep. We had a lot of snakes we called Cottonmouths and Water Moccasins. They were truly everywhere, but you learned to avoid them (survival of the fittest and all). πŸ˜‰

          And a picnic at the cabin sounds fabulous! πŸ™‚

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  3. Well, ma chère, looks like WP got its act together, and is now delivering your posts in a weekly fashion. Wish you a lovely week. Wherever you are. What are your plans for the week? Take care. Brian

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    1. It’s a holiday weekend here in the States … Memorial Day. A group of 12 of us are traveling to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We’re renting a truly gigantic cabin in the mountains. Much needed for me right now. πŸ™‚

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